This program is designed for the study of extended scancodes keyboard (and check the serviceability of the keyboard). For example, buttons such as Messenger, MyDocs, etc., which are on some keyboards (eg Microsoft Natural Multimedia Keyboard). They do not have a code Virtual-Key, and work with them you can only use scancodes, and to assign keyboard shortcuts to use SetWindowsHookEx WH_KEYBOARD_LL instead of RegisterHotKey.

See Miranda IM plugin to use extra buttons – Miranda Hardware HotKeys.
History of development program: | |
v.2017-05-27 | Minor optimizations, rebuild to MSVC2017, updated names scancodes; |
v.2016-02-18 | The new version – v3, rewritten to MSVC2016, added analysis scancodes through DirectInput, Mouse, HID, Joystick API; |
v.2013-02-18 | Support unicode filenames (for save logfile), updated names scancodes; |
v.2012-12-23 | Minor bugfixes; |
v.2012-02-27 | New version – v2, filters, save to file, minor bugfixes; |
v.2010-12-20 | minor bugfix with clipboard; |
v.2010-12-06 | corrected for PE-header (otherwise, Kaspersky believed that this virus Type_Win32); |
v.2010-11-16 | option to disable system handling buttons (back TRUE form LowLevelKeyboardProc); |
v.2010-11-05 | first public version |
Download “ViewKeyCodeV3_v20170527.rar” – 159.44 KBVersion 3.1.0, 2017-05-27 18:05