UPS Lite Manager – control utility for UPS

A program for managing a UPS that supports the Megatec protocols (many UPS Ippon, Mustek, Sven, etc. use it) and MegaUPS (some UPS DEXP use it).

Main features UPS LM

Key features and differences from similar software:
• Consumes little RAM and minimal CPU time;
• Does not require installation or drivers;
• The situation with pulling out the USB/COM cable from the UPS is thought out and processed;
• It is possible to control several UPSs connected to one computer at once;
• Event processing: no voltage, charge reserve below specified, battery low, power restored, UPS lost, UPS faulty;
• Notifications by email (built-in SMTP client), VKontakte, Telegram;
• Launch files based on events, shutdown Windows;
• Terminal console for a USB/COM interface for manual control of the UPS – you can independently enter various engineering commands;
• From the commandline you can run some UPS commands (testing, sound, unloading, etc., more details in the help on ups_lm.exe /?)

This is a beta version – its stability is not guaranteed!

Screenshots UPS LM

Screenshot - Main screen UPS Lite Manager v2.0  Screenshot - Alert settings in UPS Lite Manager v2.0

Screenshot - Terminal console for the UPS-commands in UPS Lite Manager

System requirements for the computer and UPS

System requirements – any version from WindowsXP SP3 to Windows11, 32 or 64 bit.
Similar server versions of Windows are also supported.

Connecting a UPS via USB-HID, RS232 (or USB-COM).
For USB-HID is expected to work with a UPS with the following PNP codes (equipment ID):
In addition, in the settings you can manually set any VID/PID codes.
As for support for other UPSs, please contact us by email, if there are no significant differences, they will probably be added…
The author has Ippon Smart Winner (old generation), the program is being tested on it, all other models may have some problems – they will be corrected as bug reports are received.
Ippon Smart Winner of the new generation (which has a display) is not supported.
The program works with any UPS that is defined as a standard USB-HID device (or COM/RS232) and responds to the Q1, QS or Q4 command, or similarly responds to index 0x03 requests.

Installing UPS LM

UPS_LM does not require installation and does not store settings in the registry (except for autorun). All settings are stored in the UPS_LM.ini file, which is created in the same place where UPS_LM.exe is located.
A file UPS_LM.db is also created in the folder with the program – statistics of minimum and maximum levels are kept there.
The program does not require administrative rights, but the folder with the program must be writable (therefore, this should not be placed in Program Files – in modern Windows, writing there is blocked via UAC, even for an administrator account).
Parallel work with several UPSs is possible – to do this, you just need to place several UPS_LM.exe in different folders.

Setting up alerts via the Internet

Since UPS_LM supports compatibility even with old Windows XP and Windows 7, to connect to modern servers (using TLS 1.2/1.3) we had to use a third-party component – OpenSSL. Even when using UPS LM on Windows 10/11 – currently using OpenSSL. If you are going to use the functionality of notifications by email/VKontakte/Telegram, then you need to install OpenSSL v3.3 (or newer) – you need the libcrypto-3.dll and libssl-3.dll files in the folder with UPS_LM or available in the system.
OpenSSL v.3.3 has at least two public builds:
• Variant 1: Win32 OpenSSL v3.3 Installer ( – require Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable ( for WinVista+, for WinXP/Win2003 requires an older version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 14.28.29213 (google);
• Variant 2: OpenSSL Binary Distributions for Windows ( – without external dependencies (only UCRT), WinVista+.

Using the Command Line

There must be UPS_LM.exe running earlier, commands are sent for execution to the previously running process through a Pipe.
Command line control may be disabled in UPS LM settings.
Please note that communication with the UPS occurs through a queue, the command will actually be performed not immediately, but after a few seconds.
If there is no previously started UPS_LM, then it will be started and will remain working.
UPS Direct Commands:
/T – start a 10 second battery test (T command on UPS);
/TL – launch a battery test until it is completely discharged (TL command on UPS);
/CT – cancel battery test (CT command on UPS);
/Beep_On – turn on sound (check status and Q command on UPS);
/Beep_Off – turn off sound (check status and Q command on UPS);
/C – cancel shutdown commands (turn on the UPS immediately);
/Snn – UPS shutdown, nn – time in minutes (01-99) after which the UPS turns off;
/SnnRnnnn – turn the UPS off and on again, nn – time in minutes (01-99) after which the UPS turns off, nnnn – time in minutes (0001-9999) after which the UPS will turn on;
Many UPSs do not support some of these commands.
Please make sure your UPS supports these commands before use.
/exit – closes a running copy of UPS_LM.
/MsgTest – checking the command line with a running copy of UPS_LM.
You cannot specify multiple commands at once.

Reference information on the UPS protocols used

UPS LM version 2.0 supports 3 types of protocols:
• Megatec/Ippon/Voltronic-V – classic protocol, UPS-HID, usually Q1 text request and text response.
• MegaUSB/DEXP/UPSmart – responses are like in Megatec, text, but requests are not text, but index code via GetIndexedString.
• Voltronic-P/T – requests in text as in Megatec, but the answer is in binary form.
More detailed descriptions are given on the Russian version of this site, or Network UPS Tools.

History of development UPS LM

v. (2025.03.06) Fixed the issue with blocking the settings window during continuous errors;
When exiting suspend/sleep mode, additional check/setting of beeper (some UPSs reset the setting during sleep mode);
More informative entry in the Alert BatteryLevel log (the values ​​of the settings by which the event was triggered are shown);
Minor improvements.
v. (2024.12.29) The use of the Q4 command is disabled (temporarily, in the form it was – there were more problems, in the future there will be full-fledged work with Q4 instead of Q1);
Right-click on the log view button – opens the log selection menu;
Added log for terminal;
Recursive creation of paths to logs (if the log folder does not exist, it will be created).
v. (2024.11.13) In some UPSs, the time before the UPS turns off was set incorrectly;
Improved support for MegaUSB protocol;
Added indication of AVR mode by voltage difference (for those UPSs that do not report AVR operation with the corresponding flag);
Options for more convenient work with UPS that report cell voltage rather than battery voltage (now there is a multiplier);
Minor improvements and minor bug fixes.
v. (2024.09.03) Added support for RS232 and USB-COM interfaces;
The voltage change log has been removed, replaced by a more flexible function for logging any changes;
Fixed bug with description of shutdown reason;
Asynchronous logging (to solve the problem of cycle failure on heavily loaded file systems);
Colored indication of data transfer;
GUI improvements for more accurate display at non-standard DPI;
Minor improvements.
v. (2024.05.05) You can now use date wildcards in log file names (php-style: %Y YYYY, %y YY, %m 01…12, %M Jan…Dec, %d 01…31, %D Mon…Sun);
Added autorun option for current user;
Added separate input voltage log;
Minor improvements.
v. (2024.03.20) The internals and the mechanism for working with the interface have been heavily rewritten;
Added support for new UPS protocols (MegaUSB, DEXP);
Added simple setting for turning off the computer or sleep modes (now you don’t need to run shutdown.exe);
HEX input in terminal;
New mode – request for index lines (analogous to a terminal for the MegaUSB protocol);
Forced setting of the sound signal (for those UPSs that constantly forget the sound signal mode);
Fine-tuning port polling speed;
Option to disable automatic battery voltage detection;
Option to disable OpenSSL (to save memory if the Internet notification functionality is not needed);
Disable CLI option;
Added the ability to send notifications via VKontakte and Telegram;
Repeated attempts to send notifications (for situations with slow switching to a backup Internet channel);
The config format has been changed to text INI (this is slower than the binary config, but allows you to easily add new parameters in future versions without losing compatibility);
Fixed some potential bugs.
v. (2023.05.22) Polling algorithm optimization;
Minor internal improvements;
Added the ability to localize, external lng-files;
Fixed a bug with the battery voltage level alert;
Added support for new UPS-protocols (Voltronic P/T – QS HEX);
Added new commands for polling battery capacity (DQ1, QBV);
Added UPS Response Emulator (Shift+About);
Migration to OpenSSL v3.1 (don’t forget to update OpenSSL for email notifications to work);
Log improvements;
New commands in commandline – start the test, turn sound on/off.
v. (2022.10.11) Minor build optimizations, NX/DEP and ASLR compatibility.
v. (2022.05.24) Fixed issue with displaying BL?-command poll on UPSs that don’t actually support this command;
Fixed issue with launching logviewer for long filename/paths;
Launch logviewer with Shift – opens the UPS status log;
The command help format has been optimized (so the file size has become much smaller).
v. (2022.05.04) Fixed a bug causing a permanent Out of sync request Qx on some UPS models (which form a response string with an odd number of bytes or with 0x00 bytes).
Added check for availability of updates (only manually, from the About).
Support for screens with DPI scaling (now fonts are not distorted).
Writing to the log in/out of sleep mode.
Minor improvements.
v. (2022.01.10) Fixed a problem with launching files with keys (notification options must be reconfigured), added setting of the subject field for email (relevant for cases when several UPSs are connected to distinguish mail from them), various minor fixes for potential bugs.
v. (2021.02.14) Commandline interface (now only command to shutdown and restore the UPS is supported, use ups_lm /? for help).
Minor improvements.
v. (2020.09.07) Improvements in the email client (SMTP): now OpenSSL 1.1.1g (and there is TLS 1.3) works, the format of the FROM header has been corrected (otherwise, on some servers there was an error 555 5.5.2 Syntax error), the email debug log has one more mode – recording only in case of errors, various minor improvements in email, the database of servers for autosetup was updated – the functionality was tested on free mail services AOL, MailRu, Yandex, GMail, GMX, Rambler, OfficeCom/Live.
v. (2018.11.11) Added support for some UPSs that did not work before due to the BL?-command, added filtering of false low voltages in the statistics, added a debug log.
v. (2018.03.28) Minor bufgix, add function of test email sending in the settings.
v. (2017.09.30) Support SrvAny.exe
v. (2017.06.11) Bugfix with antivirus software
v. (2017.06.06) Fixed a bug when sending an email, fixed a bug when entering long UPS-commands, added the ability to UPS shutdown by alerts.
v. (2017.04.28) Minor bugfix
v. (2016.12.18) Minor bugfix, correction of error messages, migration to new version OpenSSL v1.1 (for email-client)
v. (2016.08.03) Minor bugfix
v. (2016.04.03) First public version

Download Files

Download “UPS_LM_v330.rar” – 90.66 KBVersion, 2025-03-06

Download “UPS_LM_v320.rar” – 91.40 KBVersion, 2024-12-29

Download “UPS_LM_v300.rar” – 87.34 KBVersion, 2024-09-03

Download “UPS_LM_v210.rar” – 78.45 KBVersion, 2024-05-05

Download “UPS_LM_v200.rar” – 77.18 KBVersion, 2024-03-20

Download “UPS_LM_v160.rar” – 56.16 KBVersion, 2023-05-22

Download “UPS_LM_v152.rar” – 47.23 KBVersion, 2022-10-11

Download “UPS_LM_v151.rar” – 42.19 KBVersion, 2022-05-24

Download “UPS_LM_v150.rar” – 52.56 KBVersion, 2022-05-04

Download “UPS_LM_v140.rar” – 51.42 KBVersion, 2022-01-10