Approval Queue Icon – plugin for IPS4

Initially, in the IPS forum, if there are pre-moderated posts, the moderator receives only one system notification. But if the moderator looked at this notification and did not decide anything, then the hidden post is still waiting in line, and does not remind moderators of the need to make any decision.
The Approval Queue Icon plugin solves this problem, now the moderation queue icon will be displayed in the upper corner.

Screenshot - Approval Queue IconIn the plugin options, you can configure hiding the icon when there are no posts in the queue, and bypass counter caching.

Screenshot - options Approval Queue IconThe plugin Approval Queue Icon is compatible with IPS 4.4 (there is a similar plugin Approval Queue on UserBar 1.1.0, but it does not work correctly in IPS 4.4 – it constantly sees some non-existent posts).
The Approval Queue Icon plugin has been tested to at least IPS 4.7.2

History of development plugin:
v.1.0.0 (2019.08.30) First public version, for IPS 4.4+

Download “Approval Queue Icon 1.0.0.xml” – 4.00 KBVersion 1.0.0, 2019-08-30